~Nothing is harder than striving to stay alive.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day 65: Bend to La Pine, OR

Date: 7/25/2015
Time: 8pm

I love all my friends. Mostly Hannah, well to be honest only Hannah. Yep that's  pretty  much  how my  day went. If i had to describe my friend in  detail I  would say she is incredibly  intelligent because everything i have learned this summer is from her. She also gives the best advice. One time she told me to take a nap because i looked tired and after i napped i felt like a new person.
-Hannah Russell

I love all my friends, including Hannah but to be honest Haley is number one. There are two things I enjoy in life which are taking naps and eating. Haley ate an apple cinnamon donut today that had a circumference  similar to my bike wheel and boy was I impressed. After this tremendous feat she preceded to fall into a deep food induced slumber. She is a girl after my own heart that values the important things in life- food and sleep.
-Haley Johnson

Once there was a cold cave (it was cold as fuck -Kevin) where a group of bikers willingly ventured into.  In it was a bear, a very very very large bear.  Kevin fought the  bear.  Kevin killed said bear.  Kevin skinned the bear with his bare hands.  Because  Kevin  is a chivalrous renaissance man, he gave the bear skin to  the fit biker babes to keep them warm.  The team ventured further into the cave, where Corinne yelled, "I'm  scared!"  Kevin calmed  Corinne and encouraged her to keep going.  Corinne  became the bravest biker of them all.  As the team made it to the back of the cave, they met a leprechaun  who said if you can answer this question, I'll  give you a pot of gold: "what's  the biggest whale in the world?"  Corinne said, "OMG I LOVE WHALES! Its the blue whale!" And the team left the cave rich as could be.  #i4ktruths

- Corinne, Sarah, and anonymous author (Kevin)

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