~Nothing is harder than striving to stay alive.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Day 36: Grand Island to Holdrege, NE

Date: 6/26/2015
Time: 10.30pm
Weather: Good, windy towards the end
Location: St. Elizabeth Church, Holdrege

Today was one of the best days! Last night Emmy asked me if I'd like to ride with her, and I definitely said yes. Then later on Hannah and Haley, while giggling, told me that we're riding together. I like to ride with them cause we're of similar pace.

Our group got really lu cky though. We weren't the first group to roll out but in less than 10 miles we rode pass all the groups that were ahead of us. The shoulder was kinda shitty with cracks, bumps and gravels. They all have flats. I think we had 10 flats today. #achievement However, lucky enough, none of us-Jason, Emmy, Hannah, Haley, and I got a flat. So we were so far ahead of everyone else. We reached before the van at the lunch stop, and since we were too far ahead, we didn't even stop for the third rest stop. We arrived at the church at 1.55pm, and we decided to go to DQ which is only 0.3 mile away to get something. Emmy got me a strawberry shake-thanks Emmy! Hannah got a mango smoothie, Emmy and Jason got blizzard, Haley got smoothie too I think? If you order a blizzard, the worker will turn the cup upside down before they serve you, maybe to prove that their blizzard is thick? It's pretty cool anyways.

Then we got back to the church and the van arrived not long after. We helped unload the van, then went to a city pool for shower. Since it was still early and the weather was so hot, I decided to do laundry. I washed my jersey and shorts and itdried up pretty quickly. After doing laundry, I cleaned the PBJ spoons and box, then went to take a short nap before dinner.

The dinner was sooooo  good. That amount of cheese-too good. The church didn't prepare enough food, so everyone didn't really have much food. Then when he served pasta the 2nd round, I went to get more food, and in fact I went for the third round. This is the third time the host knows me due to me being the smallest but eat the most (or maybe not the most, just eat a lot).

After that I went to DQ again with Sarah and Corinne. Then played phase 10 (a card game that's pretty similar to uno) with Hannah, Haley, Jack, and Sarah/Carrue.

On the road today, we saw like 4 dead snakes. They look like sticks tbh. When I am riding, I notice every single thing. The frogs that jumo around in the bush; The butterflies that fly around;  the dead animals, the cracks on road; the beautiful clouds. Every single incline, decline, rough road, smooth road, wind, everything becomes much more significant on bikes. These are the things that I will not notice if I'm driving a car and going at 70 mph. It's good to be so close to mother nature.

It was only 72.7 miles today. With only 600 feet of elevation, I'd say this is the best ride I could ever ask for. 2 more days till Colorado........

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