~Nothing is harder than striving to stay alive.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 14: Cleveland to Canton, OH

Date: 6/4/2015
Time: 10.15pm
Weather: Chilly in the morning, hot and sunny when the sun was up
Location: Faith Family Church, Canton

Today's ride was a relatively short ride. It was only 54 miles.

We were running late cause apparently when you had one rest day yesterday, your body hopes for more rest day. Jk. We were up late, and my group was ready to roll by 7.40am. I have Jason, Hannah R., Diego, and Haley riding with mw today. I came up with the team name "5 years old" cause Haley and I were playing while riding, and Jason (I think) mentioned like what are we doing back there and lije how old are we, or at least something like that. Then I made everyone a 1-year old, since there were 5 of us, total will be 5 years old yay! :P

Our ride ended at 2pm. And that was with a long rest during lunch rest stop at Walgreens. Also at about mile 30 we stopped at Sheetz to get hotdogs with Boom boom sauce. Haha 😂 2 hotdogs for only a dollar! #suchgooddeal

As soon as we arrived, we unloaded the van, and just chill. Tony found out about a free chocolate tour like 4-minute drive away from where we are staying. Thanks to Lauraleigh, she shuttled 16 of us for the tour. It's the Fannie May / Harry London chocolate factory. We got to try samples even before the tour started. The tour lasted for 45 minutes-watched a short video clip, brief history of Fannie May and Harry London (First Fannie May is actually in Chicago!), then we got to see how the chocolate factory works. At the end of the tour, the lady provided us with more chocolate and told us to get as many as we want since we're the last tour for the day. As she talked to us, she found out about what we're doing-riding across the country for cancer, she gave us two huge boxes of top quality chocolate- a total of 155 pieces. The dark chocolate with marshmallow is my favorite! :)
Fun fact: White chocolate is actually not chocolate but frosting.

Then we headed back to the church and waited for dinner. We had food donation from one of the local pizza restaurants and Subway. I had 3 pieces of pizza with one subway sandwich. Soooo thankful for the good food that we have!

One thing I have never mentioned before in my blog is that every day we ride for someone. Someone who has been affected by cancer-someone we know. We'll say the name of the person we want to dedicate the ride to, then briefly mentioned his background etc. I just found out that my uncle has a relapse on prostate cancer few days ago. He had surgery last year if I'm not mistaken, but things got worse I guess. :/ So I dedicated the ride to him, Soo Choy Chen, hopefully he'll be strong to get through the chemotherapy and recover soon. Today's ride holds so much more meaning to me. I know that every hill I climbed that made me out of breath, means nothing when compared to what he has to go through. Ride is hard, but when you think of someone who's suffering from cancer, you know nothing is as tough as what they have to go through. I really hope that he'll recover soon. Wait for me to graduate, wait for me to go home, please.

On a lighter note, I think these 3 months will be the healthiest months I've ever had. Sleeping before 11pm every night, waking up at 5.30am every morning, eat alot, yet burn a lot of calories. That's exactly how summer should look like! Hehe!

Some pics of the church and tonight's dinner:

Lame Zack -_-

Lame Diego -_-

That's it for tonight!

Much love.

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