~Nothing is harder than striving to stay alive.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Day 9: Rochester to Niagara Falls, NY

Date: 5/30/2015
Time: 9.45am
Weather: Hot, sunny, super windy
Location: First Prebysterian Church, Niagara Falls

Today is our official riding day 7. Can't believe we have been riding for a week! Including today's ride of 88 miles, we have accumulated a total of 532 miles over the past week.

I slept at 12.30am last night and was awake since 4.30am but was too tired and only woke up at 4.45am. I was supposed to be up early cause I'm on van packing chore. I have to get my stuffs packed before everyone else. I woke up, cleaned myself, and packed my sleeping bag. I'm getting better at keeping sleeping bag d!

I was in the same group as Angelica and Khrystyna, just the three of us. We rolled out at about 6.20am and gotten the first 20 miles done pretty fast. First rest stop was at 7.40am, lunch was at 11.30am. The journey starting from after the first rest stop was terrible. The wind was going against us at 21mph. We were biking at only 7mph. My energy was totally drained and for the first time, I felt like I wasn't biking forward at all. The wind was coming from all directions and it almost got me off the road . The final 20 miles were the hardest. We were taking breaks almost every 4 miles. Ibwas pretty excited to be able to come to Niagara Falls again but I'm just so worn out that I didn't want to go anywhere else but to stay in the church and rest. Well we did go to TGIF to get food though. I got the brownie with ice cream, and shared potato skin with Lizzie. I also got myself a homemade lemonade cause I'm feeling a lil heaty already.

I put sunscreen on at every rest stop just like everyone else did. But today's sun was so hot that rash starts to build up on my thighs. I'm not even sure if it's cause of the sun, the sunscreen, or me not bathing for the second day already. I feel soooo sticky and dirty :/ I hope the rash will go off by its own though.

Today's ride was the hardest so far. Hills weren't that bad as compared to strong wind cause you know you'll be done with hills as soon as you reach the peaks. But this wind has never ended and was going against us at such fast speed the entire 88 miles. I have never felt so exhausted before, and have never felt like I want to give up before.

Day 7 of riding, everyone seems to be having  serious cyclist issues already. I personally have numb fingers and toes, rash, and knee problems. Most people have the same problems too. Hopes everything goes okay before Colorado. :3

Have been up since 4.45am, started cycling at 6.20am, and finished riding at 4.30pm. That was 10 hours of working against the 21mph-wind though. 88 miles done. Tomorrow is gonna be a super long day again. That's gonna be a 90+ mile ride tomorrow. I just think that it's ridiculous that we did 60+ two days ago and only 20+ yesterday, but today they make us do 88 miles. I needed some consistency there though... If it's Wasn't cause of the wind, we will be going at 20 mph (the route is super flat today) and will be able to reach Niagara by 2pm.

Good night! Loves.

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