~Nothing is harder than striving to stay alive.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Countdown 201 Days: Fundraising in Progress

It's has been about 2 weeks since I started spreading around on what I am currently doing. It has been so tough for me to juggle between classes, work, and events. For the past two weeks, I have been leaving home as early as 9am, and got back earliest by 11pm. And.. that's just for classes and work, not including extra time for exam preps. For every hour I have, I start listing down people (individuals and businesses) I need to contact, things I need to prepare beforehand, and how to talk. I don't speak super good English and it sometimes makes me so hard to even brave myself to talk to people.

When I talk to small companies, the most probable things they will say is that they don't have enough fund; while for bigger companies, they need you to help them promote their restaurants/bars/shops, and they will give certain percentage of the money they earn in a particular amount of hours. For example, Panda express wants us to fix a date and time, lets say November 1st, 12pm to 3pm. They will make flyers, and we'll need to distribute it to people. When people dine in/take out (bringing in the flyers) within that 3 hours, 20% of the money that they earn in that 3 hours, will go to us. A whole lot of rules to follow. But, I guess it's okay since we can re-apply every 4 weeks. :)

Have been reaching out to so many people--friends, workers, managers, bosses, etc, it's definitely not easy, but I would say it's a good experience. This is probably my first time trying to fund-raise such huge amount of money, and also my first time speaking formal English to so many Americans. I felt like a robot because I have been repeating the similar thing over and over again. Anyways, I am really taking this to build myself into a more versatile person. First step is always the hardest, thus I am not giving up--not now, not ever!

All in all, I appreciate people who helped me out, and appreciate people who ignored me. LOL. Honestly, it's completely voluntary and if you don't want to donate, can you just say something like, "No, I don't think I wanna donate, because_______." rather than leave me hanging--neither a Yes, nor a No? I just don't know if I should ask for the second time..? I'm not sure if you have received my message but you forgot to donate, or you don't want to donate, or you wanna donate later? Just give me a Yes or a No, I just don't want to bug you forever and be the annoying person that everyone hates. Also, if anyone would like to let me know the most common reasons you don't want to donate, I would definitely like to know, this could probably help me to adjust the way that I am accustomed to fund-raise. Also, for people who say, "I'm very poor", just be honest, how poor are you? I hope you could read my previous post as well. I know the owner of Far East, a small family business, is definitely not that rich too (compared to other big companies like County Market, McD, Panda, Expresso Royale, Starbucks, etc). However I wanna say they are the kindest. :')

Thank you people who have helped me (the team and patients) out and supported us! Really, every little things mean so much to us! Thanks guys! Also if you happen to read this, drop me a message of your word of encouragement at xyphang93@yahoo.com. Anyone, any words, and photos, anything! And..... you'll be featured in my blog! :D

Full team training is starting tomorrow! Stay tuned for more posts! :D Thanks! xx

~People who helped, if not have been helpless, must've been the most empathetic ones.

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